Saturday 28 September 2013

Module 8

Module 8 was very interesting.  I had never heard of RSS feed.  I still don't know what are OPLM uploads however this may not be important but if someone out their is a whiz with all of this stuff maybe they can enlighten me.  I have found creating an account with Feedly has allowed me to search for education and computer technology sites that I could be interested in.  In fact by searching these I found some great educational sites that I could refer to when planning or thinking about a topic in the curriculum such as We are teachers and Share My Lesson.  It also enables me to link in with up to date educational research that is being undertaken that in turn can improve my teaching knowledge and strategies therefore enhancing my skills. the challenges with this is I could spend hours on it researching and reading the interesting information out there and hence not getting down to the business of teaching.
When finding interesting articles or research this can then be shred on the Google account, twitter  and other social media accounts for others to see.  this becomes good collaborative sharing amongst other teaching colleagues.

Monday 23 September 2013

Module 7

In this Module I have learnt about Delicious and how you can  book mark on the web.  The only problem is when I set up my Delicious account that page didn't look like the one on the tutorial so I couldn't work out how to save it to my tool bar as their didn't even appear to be a toolbar on my computer to save it to.  I think at one stage many weeks ago when I was doing something on the internet I couldn't see the page I was needing at the bottom so I think I have deleted the tool bar on the Internet Explorer page.  But I have managed to save some links in my delicious account.  I think I have a lot of learning to go.  The students could use this to bookmark important sites they need for research in the classroom.  My biggest challenge is using all the new tools and being competent at them.  I feel I'm learning so much that I have information overload and that I won't pick up sufficient skills in any of these tools as I fly past these modules.  Time is so limited at the best  of times I feel I won't do justice to any of it.  However,  I may have to revisit some of these tools at the end of the course for a refresher.  Perhaps if I use them all regularly I will feel more comfortable with them. 
I wonder do we need to use all the tools we are learning?  Or do we just pick out the ones we feel will be the most useful?

Friday 13 September 2013

Module 6

My Picaso Album link
I had trouble sharing from my Picaso Album to this Blog page but it went to my Google account.  I couldn't access the tutorial it said it was unavailable.

I found this Module very challenging and took a long time to complete.  Some of the editing of the photos I could not do due not being able to access the tutorials and the access on the side of the photos where they should have come up.  So if anyone has any comments feel free to explain.  As I said in Module 5 I feel the Picaso is the same as Media Windows and I feel it easier accessing my photos from their than from Picaso.  It just seems to keep downloading all my photos every time I access it.  I have several copies of all the photos I had on my computer now.

Module 5

I'm not sure whether we in Melbourne were supposed to do this Module but I thought as we are learning new Online web tools and skills it wouldn't hurt looking at it.  So I did.  I thought the Bubble Us was a good useful brainstorming tool that could be used even in the classroom as a tool to teach children to brainstorm.  Rather than have it on sheets of paper that will eventually be thrown out or  filed amongst our ever growing hard copies, it would be much better to save it online where it can be retrieved and reused at a future stage without all the extra hard copies.

Picaso is very similar to windows media as well as all the other places you can store photos and images.  My only problem with this is that you are doubling up on all these images. Between the Microsoft documents where we save images and videos, we can also save them to Dropbox and I Cloud and Sugar Sync.  Do we really need all of these places to save all these pictures?  Why can't just the media files designed for the computer be good enough to store there and one in our virtual world?  I have a concern that there will be so much space used on the computer that we won't have enough space to save other documents.  Otherwise I can see it is a good tool.  Therefore is it better to use Picaso that Windows media? I would appreciate any ones thoughts about this.  Maybe that's why we didn't have this as part of our Module work.

As for Prezi I didn't sign up as I didn't feel comfortable about giving our school website without permission from my Principal.


I have experimented with Glogster and have found it very confusing.  Despite watching the tutorials I have got very lost.  Maybe with more practise I will get better but to post my Mind map on it I took over 2 hours to read and sort through all the information.  Just finding an acceptable Nickname took well over half an hour.  If using all these tools are going to take so long is it really worth it?  My Glogster account is  Where I was feeling very excited learning new ideas.  This has made me want to not even use the account.  Can someone please tell me why I need to use it when I can Blog and do the same things.  I don't know whether I would set up children's accounts as this would have to be passed by the school authorities.

Module 5 Mind Map from as well as Picasa

This is my Mind Map from Module 3 about Web 2 Online course.

This is another great way to share ideas with other professionals that can improve on your ideas by suggesting better strategies and tools you can use to achieve best teaching practise.
Just love this blog.  I hope mine will one day begin to look like this.

My school Blog is only still in its early stages as we are only just setting them up and being very aware of Cyber Safety issues.  My school blog address is

Saturday 7 September 2013

Module 4

I can see all this new technology is going to keep me busy.  It will be great for the students to use but I have a number of concerns about cyber safety.   I think the students wouldn't be able to use any photos of themselves or put their names to any work.  I think as a storytelling mechanism it is fantastic and in fact as well are learning Fables at school at the moment and linking them in with our Intercultural Understanding and school values the Podcasts on Aesop's fables are very suitable.  They can be used in cross curriculum activities not just literacy.  The children in my 1/2 class could use the podcasts to make their own story about their own memories.  Currently they are sharing their own stories from items collected in their Memory box to the rest of the class.  I have made a Power Point of their photos and memories.  The children have been using the I Pad to video each other so that they can then make their own movie using Movie Maker.  Then they will have their own digital memory.  This would be a fantastic learning tool.  They could add their Podcast to the class Blog but not use their name. that way they remain anonymous.

The Teacher Tube videos would be great to use in class as a different teaching method for the children.  All these different web tools allows for more variety and engagement by students.

I have real concerns about the though.  I'm reluctant to use that at the moment until I'm more confident with it.

French Riviera

French Riviera



Module 3

Module 3
Wow! Google Docs certainly opens up a whole new world of sharing ideas.  Its great to think that if you have an idea that you would like to use in the classroom but would like other opinions, you don't have to physically show people or email then edit it, all you have to do is put it into Google Docs and let others around the globe share their ideas then you can edit it if you think their idea is great or you can let others edit it.  It's a great way to bounce off ideas.  It also means you can save time if others have a similar doc that they can share with you.  The collaboration means that the most appropriate idea or activity that can be used will be the best possible one to engage student learning.